Live longer

Live longer

Monday, September 6, 2010

The pet can spread the diseases

     Your pet can spread the diseases, it is significant the pets owners are no more likely to be in bad health than non-pets owner. As in any potentially hazardous situation, common sense and good hygiene will protect the health of you and your family as well as the health of your pets.
     The pets should be kept healthy; sleeping boxes, mats and litter trays should be kept clean and regularly changed after meals using a washing cloth ot brush that is kept just for this purpose and not used for the family plated. Water, which should always be left out for the animals, should be kept fresh.
     Even short-haired dogs and cats benefit from a bruch now and then, and this is an ideal way of spotting cuts, infections or any other problems your animal may have. One of the first signs that an animal is sick is the lack of a lustre to its coat, so if you make a habit of brushing your pet you will then be able to see if and when this occurs.
     Many injuries from animals can be avoided by using common sense, and by teaching not only the pet to behave well but also teaching yourself and your children to treat the animal well. Pets love to play, but you must learn to interpret the signs that your pet will show if play becomes too rough ot if it has had enough. Only a very sick animal will attack without warning, and you should have noted and treated the illness before it has become severe enough to cause this type of behavior.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Stress : Although there is some debate as to whether at actually increases one's risk of cardiovascular disease, the adrenalin released in stressful situations has been shown to cause hair loss in men and might contribute to the release of chemicals which actually attack healthy tissues.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Vitamins : There is no hard evidence that they make you live longer. Dr.Peter Ghosh takes Vitamin E to reduce the free-radicals in his system. Professor Tony Broe says that Vitamin A and B6 can be quite toxic in large does but there might be something in the Vitamins E theory.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Alcohol : Drinkers took delight in an American study a few years ago that showed some alcohol every day is better than no alcohol but it is thought that even low consumption of alcohol can raise blood pressure. Excess drinking has been associated with increased risk of high blood presure, cirrhosis of the liver and various types of cancer.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Smoking : Reduces lung capacity, increases risk of various cancers and of cardiovascular disease.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Exercise: Vigorous walking and somes stretching is recommended if you want to compensate for the creeping rust in the joints. If jogging, make sure you wear the right running shoes and you run on soft surfaces, therwise you might accelerate the break-down of your articular cartilage. it appears that regular exercise reduces blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fit people are in the lower risk categories but it can be argued that they are also the ones who do not smoke and have a balanced diet.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to live longer

Diet : High-fat, high-protein, lowfiber diets have long been connected with heart disease and hypertension and are believe to be responsible for around 30% of cancers. Cell activity can be upset with the wrong balance of nutrients too much fat, alcohol, protein and salt. Aseven-year study just released shows that the incidence of rectal cancer in the West is one of the highest in the world. A major contributing factor is thought to be the love of red meat, fat and beer, So restrict the aforementioned, eat your green vegetables and cut your salt and sugar intake.